Friday, August 30, 2013

Finally Friday!

It was such a fun filled first FULL week of preschool this week!! The kids are all adjusting great to our routine and rules, along with being very comfortable in our room. I am so proud of the progress that I already see with the learning in the classroom. Yesterday I talked to them about sign language, and that we we are going to learn to talk with our hands. I taught each of them the first letter of their name and today they surprised me by showing me they still remembered it!! It was a fun day and can't wait to continue to see how the rest of the year is going to go!! Have a great weekend everyone! :)

This was yesterday but I had to share!! :)

The silly boys of the Dancing Dolphins Room!

They were robots :)

Where did your arms go?

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thursday fun!

Today was a great Thursday for all the kids! They were being so good they kept asking to do the bear hunt song, so we did the bear hunt before we went outside today. It was a warm one out but it didn't stop the children from running around the playground. For art today we made a book of the new friends we have met. The kids drew pictures of them and another friend playing on each page which they seemed to really enjoy. It was another great day of preschool!!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Another fun filled day!

Today was another day filled with fun and silly kids! Today the kids enjoyed painting egg cartons yellow to make them look like school buses! During circle time the kids really got into our songs we sing and are picking up well with the difference between our days of the week and our months of the year. :)

Turning around and seeing this cracked me up! I asked if they were ready from nap yet, they said no.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Terrific Tuesday!

Today started as a quiet Tuesday with the kids coming in wanting cereal and playing bubble centers but by 10 I had a classroom with three very energetic and silly boys! The girls said that the boys had too much sugar for breakfast!! As they were playing with the science center, Riley, Broden and Will decided they wanted of photo shoot of goofy faces. I was surprised I could hold the camera correctly because I was laughing.

The kids seem to really like using scissors, because as soon as I told them that's what we were doing for art today they squealed very loudly. They really take their time and they hold the scissors amazing! I have almost lost a finger, or two but I am so proud of what only two times of cutting they have learned, and remembered to do for the next time.

The other favorite centers out right now are teacher and blocks. I love listening to the kids act like the teacher, teaching their friends and the imagination behind their block play!

By the time lunch came the kids were already asking if it was nap time. 

Who needs a nap time mat anyway?? :)

Quote of the Day:

Broden: We are having pancakes for lunch?!?

Me: We sure are! Pancakes and sausage!

Broden: (Red in the face from excitement) THAT IS SOO AWESOME! I love pancakes!!

Monday, August 26, 2013

A case of the Mondays!

Today you could definitely tell it was Monday! The kids seemed tired and not as silly as they have been. But that didn't hold us back from having a blast today!! They love love love center time, and I enjoy seeing the interaction between the kids. Some of their conversations crack me up!

They loved art today, they tell me that painting and cutting are their favorite things to do! Today we made pieces to our Welcome Wreath, all we need now it to have Makira decorate hers and it will be finished. 

To finish out our morning they practiced writing their names and did an AMAZING job! They wanted me to take their pictures with the white boards and show their mommies and daddies :)
(I did not help to write what is on their boards, they did it all by themselves!)