Thursday, August 22, 2013

5 minute dance party?

Today has been such a fun day! We are all still getting use to the new schedule, new rules, new friends, just everything new! So to make sure the kids were not only learning but all  having a fun time at preschool we took breaks during our long center time to just dance for 5 minutes! I would ask them to show me all their cool moves (these kiddos dance better than me!), and just move their bodies. The kids absolutely loved it!!! They were asking over and over again if we could have another 5 minute dance party.
Back to the learning part of preschool, today we colored backpacks and cut them out! It was hard for some of the kids but they really enjoyed it. Some backpacks were cut out very nicely, others in half. I gave them high fives and told them how amazing it was that they could hold the scissors and cut out paper with them. They all were asking if they would cut out more paper, I told them we have all year :). 

Aside from art and cutting the kids are really enjoying the centers that are out for out welcome back week! I would say the favorite center is a toss up between blocks and playdoh!

Just needed to add this to show this kids goofy side! Whenever I looked over he was staring at the wall making this face! I would ask him what he was doing and he would just tell me practicing. He never told me what exactly just that he was practicing.

Quote of the Day:
(As we are playing duck duck goose)

Myah: These shoes are so not made for running.

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