Monday, September 9, 2013

Is it really Monday?

Today all the kids were AMAZING! They used their manners for everything, their listening ears were turned completely up and everyone was really nice to all their friends today!! It didn't feel like a Monday at all. The kids had tons of energy right from the beginning which never happens on Mondays! This week we are talking about apples and how they grow. It is funny to hear how the kids think apples grow because I got a response today at circle time that they just pop out of the ground, or my favorite you just go to the store and they are there (I couldn't disagree with that one :)). It is going to be a fun filled week with all of our different centers too! We have blocks and trucks out so they can build apple orchards of their own, an apple stand with money, apples, a cash register and bags for them to go to the orchard and get their own apples, and for science we are using black beans, pretending its dirt and planting apple seeds. For art we made apple sun catchers. I forgot about the camera today so not too many pictures. Tomorrow we have a field trip to the apple orchard! I can't wait and neither can the kids!!! :) Have a great day!

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