Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Lets be friends!

This week we are learning about our friends and how to be good friends! For art today we made friendship bracelets, which the kids loved making, by having each child pick one color to put on the bracelets. At circle time we talked about what a good friend was and what a bad friend was, along with what we want a friend to be like. We asked all of our friends what their favorite color was today and the kids enjoyed asking the question to the friend, they said they liked being like the teacher! :) This week we have dress up clothes so we can dress like our friends, pretend to go somewhere with our friends, and share with friends. They really enjoyed dress up and the building center today. Overall a fun filled day with all of the goofy kids.
We love learning!

Friendship bracelets!

Showing me his muscles! 

He said he was a super hero, I just don't know who :)

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