Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wednesday Wednesday!!

Today the kids were fully charged! We continued talking about apples, how they grow, the different kinds, and about what we learned on our trip to the apple orchard. They asked a lot when we were going back but I told them not until next year for school. They remembered a lot about yesterday mentioning when you cut an apple a certain way there is a star inside, bees help apples to grow, and how to pick an apple (lift,twist,pull). Today for art we made our own apples using paper plates, glue and construction paper. They loved being able to just tear the paper and glue all by themselves! The favorite centers today were beans and apples, the apple stand and building.

Not too sure about Broden's face in this picture..

At circle time today I told them a little about 9/11, that mean guys hurt a lot of people. They asked about the buildings that were hit so I showed them a picture of the Twin Towers before and they were amazed at how big they were. They seemed to want to talk about it a lot today with a lot of questions, so throughout the morning they would ask me questions about it and I would answer. We also colored pictures for it.

Our God Bless America pictures.

During our bible story we talked about being God's shining stars so I asked what we did to be shining stars, and Will replies you do this with your face: 
He kept referring to it as his shining star face, then Riley showed me his. How can you keep a straight face with these kiddos? :) I hope everyone has a great night!

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